We Are New Hope Community Services

New Hope Community Services (New Hope CS) is a social service agency working to bring change into the lives of the displaced and disadvantaged in the community.
Since 2004, we have been empowering our beneficiaries with opportunities to better their own lives. We provide a range of services and programmes such as temporary shelter, casework, mentoring, job-matching, life-skills training and support with long-term housing and employment. Together with our 3P Partners — Public, Private and People — we serve all people regardless of race or religion.
We are a full member of the National Council of Social Service since 2005 and have been granted Institutions of a Public Character (IPC) status until 2026.

Our Vision

To be a Beacon of New Hope to the Displaced and Disadvantaged in the Community.

Our Mission

To restore HOPE to those we serve

Heart to serve all regardless of race or religion.
Opportunities made accessible and equalised for all.
Partnership with 3P Partners (Public, Private and People) to form communities of support.
Empower individuals and families to bring about change and betterment in their lives.
Our Core Values
Value everyone. Listen and be thoughtful to all as everyone has a voice.
Do the right thing. Strive for positive outcomes as individuals and as a team.
Have a heart. Be hospitable and welcoming to all.
Be at our best. Represent the best of New Hope to our stakeholders and partners.

The Heart Behind New Hope

Two decades ago, New Hope Community Services was created to be a place where the displaced and disadvantaged can find new life and thrive again.
Since then, thousands of passionate people have made it their mission too. Our success would not have been possible without you. This is all our story.

After 13 years as a maritime engineering technician in the Republic of Singapore Navy, Andrew Khoo became a full-time pastor of a local church in 1989. Even then, Pastor Andrew was certain that serving the underprivileged in the community would be the best way he could express his faith. And he had a vision — that he would meet an unmet need in Singapore. Identifying that unmet need though, wouldn't happen until 2003.
In 2003, four strangers came to Pastor Andrew seeking help. They were men, all ex-offenders, and recently released from a halfway house but with no home to return to. They needed a place to stay while they worked to rebuild their lives and somehow, Pastor Andrew's name came up even though he did not know those men. Deeply moved by their needs, he threw open the doors of his church and offered them a place to stay within.
Soon, news of Pastor Andrew's compassion spread, and more and more homeless people came to him seeking shelter. Pastor Andrew then realised that there were no social services that provided shelter for the homeless in Singapore. These people had nowhere to turn to for help. Pastor Andrew now had clarity and purpose for his personal vision. Together with a few volunteers, Pastor Andrew established the "Shelter for Men-In-Crisis" the first homeless shelter in Singapore. The shelter became a haven for homeless men, particularly for ex-offenders.
A year on, in 2004, New Hope Community Services was founded.

Driven by Ephesians 2:10, New Hope CS believes that as human beings, we are all uniquely made — imbued with inherent worth and dignity. Our calling is to do good works and it is this conviction that guides our mission to provide shelter, support and hope to the marginalised and disadvantaged in society.

"For we are His Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."

Twenty-years on, the heart of New Hope remains the same — driven by compassion, to go where no one has gone before, to serve the less privileged in the community. We have impacted the lives of more than 10,000 families and individuals, and we remain steadfast in our identity as God's masterpieces, created to serve others and instil hope, one life at a time.

New Hope Community Services HQ
Blk 148 Yishun Street 11, #01-123
Singapore 760148

Tel : +65 6305 9620
Fax : +65 6755 3684

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