Transit Point @ Margaret Drive

Transit Point @ Margaret Drive (TP@MD) is a low-barrier-to-entry, community-based interim shelter primarily for rough sleepers with complex housing needs. Our team at the shelter works with residents to facilitate their long-term housing goals, empower them with the requisite skills for self-reliance and connect them to relevant social resources to meet their holistic needs.
Located on the site of the former Queenstown Polyclinic, TP@MD was launched earlier than planned in 2020 to meet the sudden increase in demand for temporary shelter due to Covid-19. During this early phase the shelter was entirely self-funded and depended on the immense generosity of many community partners and donors who contributed both tangible and intangible support. To us, this exemplifies the importance of community in uplifting the lives of the displaced in Singapore. TP@MD has since obtained funding support from the National Council of Social Service and the Singapore Totalisator Board.
TP@MD has a maximum occupancy of around 70.

Seeking Shelter?

If you are seeking temporary shelter for yourself, please visit your nearest Family Service Centre or Social Service Office for a referral. Click the button below to search for the nearest FSC or SSO.

FSC & SSO Locator

For staff of Social Service Agencies seeking temporary shelter for their clients, please click the button below.

Make a Referral

New Hope Community Services HQ
Blk 148 Yishun Street 11, #01-123
Singapore 760148

Tel : +65 6305 9620
Fax : +65 6755 3684

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